Friday, February 6, 2009

Punsihment of a young boy in Iran (E-mail)

There is an email going around that shows several pictures of a young boy getting his arm run over by a car. He was receiving this punishment because he supposedly stole something from the marketplace because he was starving.

The actual email opens with these lines:

An 8 year old starving child caught stealing bread in a market of Iran is punished in a public place, in the name of Islam!!!

His arm will be crushed and will lose its use permanently.

A religion of peace and love, they say?

How can anyone believe them when they commit such inhuman acts?

And the email ends with:

Spread this example of peace
and love of Islam to your friends !!

This is an obvious propaganda piece that has no factual basis (at least in this particular instance, but that is another discussion that if anyone here wishes to indulge in, I will happily do so.). A two second Google search leads you to find out that this is merely a street performance. Like us here in America (you know us, we are always right about everything!), they have street performers and magicians. I beseech you, please do not spread this anti-Islamic propaganda around the internet. Let us bridge the gap of ignorance so that we may reach a place of coexistence and understanding.


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