Monday, February 23, 2009


It has been brought to my attention that I have not covered any astrology here yet. Well, the time is now. We all know a bit about astrology and when asked most of us could probably name our star sign (Libra...). Who while reading the news paper or standing in line at the grocery store hasn't looked at the horoscopes. I bet for most of us this is just a silly exercise in entertainment but there are those who take such things seriously. But how serious can you take such a thing, after all the horoscopes are located next to the comics (hello?!?). Still there are those that do and they often will go pay for an astrology consultation. It's kinda like going to a psychic except instead of talking to the dead (yeah right) astrologers babble on about how celestial bodies influence your life.

Of course there is no evidence that stars being in a certain position have any bearing on your or anyone's life. How could it? Does it have something to do with gravity? If so, the gravitational pull from stars millions of light-years away is you wouldn't notice it at all......and it would be impossible (or almost) to measure.

So, I now direct you to someone who knows something about this and runs a fantastic website, The Skeptics Dictionary (Robert Todd Caroll the owner of the site also wrote a book by the same name). At his website you will find all the bunk you ever wanted to know about, from astrology to zombies (yes, zombies!). I would also like to send you over to another great resource, This is another great site and it explains the very real potential harms of pseudo-science, astrology, cults, and so on.

Until Next Time............

1 comment:

  1. When it was disclosed that the duration of the Zod "periods" were based on the female menstrual cycle I now know there is sound foundation to this "SCIENCE"!
