Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to Discredit the Theory of Evolution (Not Really)

This is just hilarious because it is the same inane, non-sensical and illogical debating points/tactics that creationists use.


Reposted From:

How to Discredit the Theory of Evolution Advice for believer Christian Wright


If ever you find yourself in a debate with an evolutionist, be aware that your opponent might attempt to seduce you with “facts” and “science.” He* will point toward a variety of “evidence,” and state that the community of “real” scientists around the globe overwhelmingly believes that the theory of evolution is a fact.

You must resist!

Instead, commit yourself fervently to spreading the truth of Creation—even though most evolutionists obviously don’t want to hear it. That’s okay. Remember that every minute you can keep an evolutionist busy in a debate is another minute in which he can’t be spewing his foul mistruths to those who might believe him. In that sense, even though it might appear to be a waste of time, you are, in fact, doing God’s work.

Of course, before you enter into this sort of discussion, it pays to be prepared. You have a duty to present the case for Creation in a sensible, logical manner. To that end, below are a few talking points that can help you achieve a resounding victory.

However, before we continue, a quick aside: there are some Christians who insist that Creation and evolution are somehow compatible, that they can coexist peacefully, side by side, in a melding of God and science. If you buy into that misconception, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But keep in mind that this view is akin to denouncing Genesis altogether, and, as a result, you will burn for eternity in the fire of a thousand suns.

Now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way, here are several rebuttals that will help you prove the case for Creation.

  • Point out that evolution is just a theory.
  • This will really upset your opponent and throw him off balance. He will respond by saying that the word theory as it is defined in the field of science is quite different than the everyday usage of the word. Ridicule this foolish rationalization by asking if the word dinosaur has two different meanings. Say that, as far as you’re concerned, theory has the same meaning as guess or hunch. Would they call it a “theory” if it were really true?

  • Mention Darwin’s deathbed conversion to Christianity.
  • Say that the father of evolution recanted everything. Say that he finally saw the light and realized that all of his work had been heresy. He accepted Christ and is now in the loving arms of God. Your opponent won’t like hearing these things, and he’ll deny them bitterly. He’ll say that this “conversion story” is nothing but an unfounded rumor that has circulated for a hundred years. But since evolutionists are so big on proving things, ask if he has any evidence to deny your claim. You’re right until he can prove you wrong.

  • Insist that humans couldn’t have come from monkeys.
  • Evolutionists will agree with you on this one. They’ll say, instead, that man and monkeys came from a common apelike ancestor, but this ancestor wasn’t actually a monkey. To rebut this, all you have to do is whip out some pictures of these common ancestors. Anybody can plainly see that they are monkeys. They’re covered in hair! As a coup de grace, say that if we teach our children that they came from monkeys, they’ll act like monkeys. How could anyone argue in favor of children who behave like monkeys?

  • Ask how life could arise from nothing.
  • Life just sprang up from the mud on its own? Poppycock! The only feasible explanation is a Creator. Any logical mind can see that. Your opponent will start ranting about something called “abiogenesis,” which, admittedly, isn’t easy to understand. But that’s a point in your favor! After all, isn’t the idea that God created everything much easier to follow? Of course it is! And that is all the proof you really need. At this point, if he still has his wits about him, he’ll likely say that the origin of life is a different topic—that evolution doesn’t concern itself with the beginnings of life, only the changes in the inherited traits in a population of organisms over time. Which means you can scorn him for being evasive.

  • Claim that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics.
  • Even if you don’t understand this particular law, it’s a good thing to throw into the conversation. If he attempts to explain how you’re wrong, just shake your head and say, “Good try, but I’m not buying it.”

  • Remind him that a bacterium can’t turn into an elephant.
  • The theory of evolution includes something called “macroevolution,” which attempts to explain how new species can form from old ones. It claims that simple life-forms can turn into more complex life-forms, but it takes millions of years and involves all sorts of strange mutations. Imagine how ridiculous that is! This phenomenon has never been observed, and isn’t science about observation? Macroevolution is just too hard to comprehend, so how can it possibly be true?

  • Question the gaps in the fossil record.
  • Ask him why scientists haven’t discovered transitional forms, especially fossils that prove the emergence of new species from old ones. Your evolutionist friend will say that you are wrong, that we have found examples of such fossils. Simply say, “Got one on you?” If he drags you to a computer and shows you a purported example, remind him that it would be easy for a trickster to create a fake fossil. In fact, this would be a good time to point out that God might have created all of these so-called fossils in an effort to test our faith.

  • Turn the tables on him.
  • Make sure you call his beliefs “dogmatic” before he gets a chance to use that label on you.

  • Cite the ultimate source of evidence: the Bible.
  • Tell him that all he has to do is read Genesis and he’ll see that God was behind all of Creation, not something called “evolution” with its voodoo systems of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest.” The truth is right there in scripture, available to anyone who is willing to read it with an open mind. Evolutionists might argue that there is a mountain of evidence in their favor, but remember that faith can move a mountain.

Christian Wright is the alter ego of an author and essayist living near Austin, Texas. While some might consider his religious views offensive, unwelcome, hypocritical, and possibly even oppressive, he feels that it is his sacred duty to share them with anyone who will listen—and many who won’t.

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