Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Reward for the "Outer" of Fred Phelps

I am sure all of you are familiar with the what could be described as the scum of the earth Fred Phelps who runs the what could be described as the looney toon church the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) that has a whole load of what could be described as whack-a-loon congregants.  At any rate, if you are not familiar with these highly questionable people and their highly questionable practices then you can check out their fucked-up website here (I hate the fact that I am linking to their webpage, but sometimes you have to do what you've got to do).

And given that the WBC is vehemently anti-homosexual, among other things, I believe that it is very possible that Fred Phelps is a closeted homosexual.  The reason I believe such a thing is possible is due to all of the other vehemently anti-homosexual, pro-god, pro-family values reverends and politicians who have been caught in the act having the "gay sex."  Ted Haggard is the best example of the aforementioned.  So what I and the world desperately wants this holiday season, the best gift anyone could give this year, is for a person who has been or is Fred Phelps homosexual lover to 'out' Fred Phelps.

I don't have any money to give you, and I cannot provide you with any fame; in matter of fact, I have absolutely no clout whatsoever, but you would be doing the world a favor.  I know that the WBC has only been successful in indoctrinating a handful of people, but some of those people are children, and no child is born an extreme homophobe.  So I leave you, the 'outer' of Fred Phelps, with this plea: Please, don't do it for us, but do it for the children.


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