Below is a link to a story about several pastors telling their parishioners with HIV/AIDS to STOP taking their medication because they were healed. I am going to give you a moment to let that sink in. Now, just so we are clear, let me repeat that: below is a link to a story about several pastors telling their parishioners with HIV/AIDS to STOP taking their medication because they were healed. If you are fucking enraged by now, you should reread this paragraph.
My mind is blown against the wall. How are you going to tell me or anyone else that religion doesn't poison the world? The thing is that you can't. And do you want to know why? It's because in the Bible it says that if you have enough FAITH you WILL be healed. These pastors may have lied to the folks with HIV/AIDS, but how are they in the wrong, dogmatically, by pursuing the road of faith to heal these people? Now this doesn't mean I condone what these pastors did, don't get me wrong. But what I am saying is that their belief that god heals people for believing the impossible is not an out of the ordinary idea for Christians, but this is a rather mainstream belief. And after reading the article (below), maybe Christians should start rethinking this idea that religion doesn't really harm anyone. In this case, belief literally kills.