Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Do We Need God As a Prime Mover?

If God created the world, then who created god? and who created whoever created god? So somewhere along the line something had to just be there. So why can’t we just skip the idea of god and go straight to earth?
- Ryan Hanson
The above was the atheist quote of the day today (if you have ever scrolled down to the bottom of the page, you will notice it), and I would like to reflect on it for just a moment.  I personally agree with Mr. Hanson's statement except for saying that the earth has always been here.  I get where he was going with that, but he, as I would have and do, should have gone with, instead of earth, let's say, the universe or the multiverse.  I only say this so as to be consistant.  We can show that the earth hasn't been here forever, it's only been here for about 4.5 billion years.  All of this is really neither here nor there, I am just being a bit picky.
But why should god (I am speaking here of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic god of Abraham, or really it could be any god, but I am emphasising the personal god here) be the start of anything?  If god is than something must have created god.  And this goes off into what philosophers call, infinite regress.  There is no end.  So why couldn't the universe or multiverse be all that there is forever and ever?  It has always been and may always be.  It's just a thought.  Below is a video from Neil DeGrasse Tyson's PBS special, Origins, which he also has a book out with the same title.  Tyson goes through the cosmic clock to give us an idea of the formation of the universe.  


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