Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dr. Dino's Son And Population Growth

Bad news from P.Z. Myers today, Eric Hovind (son of tax dodger and creationist Kent Hovind) has picked up where Daddy left off. Eric uses new slick and up to date graphics and web technology to lure in the ignorant masses. He may be using new technology, but he is still using the same old arguments. All of these have been thoroughly debunked and explained ad nauseum. But being a masochist I just had to wonder over to his site and take a peek.

Eric Hovind's website ( asks:

How could population levels be minimal for millions of years and then suddenly explode in the last 2,000 years?

Here's the short answer. Actually the world's population didn't really "take off" until the 1950s. The world's population had been on an upward trend from 1750 to 1950 (see the graph below). But because of industrialization and the rise of technology, we were able to dramatically change the quality of life around the globe, thus increasing the world's population.



  1. INTERESTING - THE WORLD POPULATION? Who counted, where, and when? So until 1950 places like India, China, Japan, South America were just as vacant as Death Valley. THEN WHOOSH! Lots of people. Now were they people generated in the normal process - young'ens then the normal age progression OR WERE 2 BILLION people of various ages CREATED! CREATIONISM is trying to expand by becoming the WAL MART OF EXPLANATION or was this increase caused by very horney and fast aging aliens? LET'S SPEND 10 BILLION $ via Congressional investigation. Must have been the human factory in Area 51.

  2. "How could population levels be minimal for millions of years and then suddenly explode in the last 2,000 years?"

    There were no humans millions of years ago. Homo sapiens made it's appearance about 200,000 year ago. Still, lack of knowledge in basic sanitation and modern medicine kept populations levels in check.
